Instruction by Shihan Justin Rybie and Renshi Harvey Hiob
$35 for children
$50 for adults or
$100 family rate.
Fees will be collected at the door.
*** Please Note: Fees collected at this clinic will be used to fund future ACK clinics.
Registration can be done in advance via internet at: (click on Upcoming Clinics and follow the instructions) or in person at the door.
Karate Clinic Times
Saturday, September 30, 2023 @ Edmonton Yoseikan Karate Club
10:00 am - Noon Bogu Kumite Practice
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch Break
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm In Ring Bogu Practice
Please bring any bogu equipment that you have to the sessions. Also mouth guards, fist protectors and groin cups as required.
Clinic Location
Edmonton Yoseikan Karate Club 7246A-101 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780-469-7129 or email Sensei Hiob at